Monday, November 2, 2015

Project 2 Reflection

I really enjoyed Project 2. Collaborating with United Way and my peers was a fun experience. It felt like a real project since many of us will be in positions after we graduate to collaborate with those in a firm. 
Being cautious of money, providing a pitch for an idea both within our small groups and then to Erika with United Way was a great feature to learning how to adapt to what we will be facing in the near future. I realized I was continually thinking about this project outside the classroom and even on the weekends. I wanted to obtain more information and better my section to make the presentation of "Understanding Poverty" more clear.

The content that was provided by Erika was actually pretty shocking. I learned when that I actually used to live in the poorest county (Wyandotte County) however I didn't feel like my family was ever suffering those around me were. I feel like because we were so consumed in wanting to understand and to draw an impact on those who could visit the exhibit really made us as a class passionate about the project. 

I'm happy we were able to come to a conclusion using a variety of different ideas we each had. Even though we didn't get selected for the exhibition I feel we did a great job and created a interesting way for viewers to learn about poverty within Douglas County.  

Transformation: Graphics to Finals

After combining our styles and designs we had settled on a design concept that would implement the boxes from the group, the misconception and reality of my group and the more softer feel from the "letterpress group"

Designs before creating continuity between each section:

Designs after continuity:

Missconception and reality are highlighted by blue and red as well as white background on the cardboard paper.

Graphics Expanded: Missconception Vs. Reality// Grays/Blues/Reds

This is my beginning designs of the possibilities of the Miss conception vs. Reality of "Understanding Poverty" as well as "Hard Choices"

I was informed by my peers that the Understanding Poverty would be the entry way for the exhibit. Within my graphics I wanted the definition of poverty to be understood as well as a great misconception vs. a blatant reality:


those in poverty mismanage their money and spend it on substances

household income (which would direct viewers to the pie charts to understand what typical household spendings are on based on income)

I was provided limited information for this section however, I implemented the idea of making the difficult decision one has to make while in poverty. 

This would be a simulation where those visiting the exhibit would receive 4 coins and have to make the decision of what is most important.

Graphic Design Mood Board: Neutrals/Muted Colors

The graphic design group created three different mood boards between the seven of us.

 Grace and I worked together to compile our mood board, which was neutrals, muted colors with pops of color for call out on information. 

The following is some images we used as examples of the look and feel of what the room could be:

Here is our final mood board and our presentation slides:

Mood Board

Notes and Ideas to fill in the room

Notes and Ideas of Interactions

My added reserach: Understanding Poverty

Anna-Therese, Caroline and I were partnered in a group to tackle the topic of "What does it mean to live in Poverty?" Which we condensed to Understanding Poverty for our presentation. The following is information I came up with in order to challenge Ethos and Pathos of our viewers within our content group.